Farm Design
Farms are designed adopting agroecological principles to achieve sustainability in terms of production and livelihood.
Energy efficiency
Water Management
Machinery adoption
Land Productivity and layout
Natural Forces –Wind, Water flow
Irrigation Planning
Farm Promotes micro Irrigation to meet the water crisis. Planning is done considering the below parameters
Soil type- Sandy, Clay, loamy
Land type-Upland Low Land
Crop type-Rabi Crop, Kharif crop
Crop Planning
Crop Planning and area allocation for a farm are done adhering to the below parameters.
Water Availability
Soil and land type
Economy and return
Adoption of Modern Technology
The adoption of technology mitigates production loss and a higher yield for a given area. Farms adopt below methodologies
Precision and Protected farming- Greenhouses, Shadenets, Nursery, Pack houses
Micro Irrigation-Drip irrigation, Raingun, Sprinkler
Cropping Methods- System Rice Intensification (SRI), Multilayer Farming, Intercr